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SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal Launch

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Nouvelle Research, Inc., in conjunction with Dr. Tom Schell, are proud to announce the launch of the SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal.  This is an online, membership based portal for information acquisition and sharing, relating to equine health and soundness issues, in addition to canine health.

SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal provides:

  • Detailed informational articles on equine health and lameness
  • Audio files for easy listening of articles
  • Video files for demonstration of topics
  • Interactive online forum for posting of questions and discussion of cases
  • Personalized consultations for difficult cases

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New content is posted weekly and Dr. Schell is available throughout the day to respond to questions posted on the forum or to receive consultations.

SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal is a result of a combination of efforts with the hopes of having available experts in their fields assist in answering questions, discussing current research, and helping horse owners to achieve their goals.

SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal is an information based online, membership portal for relaying of knowledge and information. This portal is not for the intentions of making a diagnosis, prescribing therapy or replacing your current veterinarian. We are focused on providing information and discussing additional therapy options, so that owners can make better choices regarding health care for their horses and dogs.

For more information, visit SecondVet Integrative Animal Portal.

To inquire further, please contact Dr. Tom Schell at