New York: Hearing Prompts Discussion About Elimination Of Coupled Entries
Tuesday's hearing held by the New York State Gaming Commission was convened to look into the rule that requires married jockeys to be coupled entries for wagering purposes, reports the Daily Racing Form. While the speakers advocated for the elimination of that rule, the conversation evolved to suggest the elimination of all coupling requirements in New York as a way to boost wagering handle.
The marriage coupling rule came under fire when jockeys Trevor McCarthy and Katie Davis, married in late 2020, began riding in New York last year. Mindy Coleman, general counsel for the Jockeys' Guild, spoke at the hearing to testify that the rule prevented both McCarthy and Davis “from fully and fairly engaging in their careers.”
Despite supporting the elimination of the married jockey coupling rule, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul vetoed a bill to eliminate it last year due to concerns that allowing legislature to rewrite racing regulations could create a dangerous precedent.
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NYSGC executive director Robert Williams concluded the hearing by stating that the commission staff would issue a recommendation later this year.
Read more at the Daily Racing Form.