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University Of Arizona Seeks New Chair For Race Track Industry Program

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The University of Arizona School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is seeking an individual to lead the school’s Race Track Industry Program.

Wendy Davis, current director, is not returning to lead a program whose graduates include Thoroughbred trainers Bob Baffert and Todd Pletcher, New York Racing Association senior vice president Martin Panza and countless others in staff and managements positions throughout the racing and gaming industries.

Specifically, the university is seeking to fill the position for an assistant or associate professor of practice and to chair the Race Track Industry Emphasis program, one of four emphases in the Animal Science Bachelor’s degree.

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A job description estimates that 50% of the position's time will be spent on instruction, with 40% on administration (budgeting, organizing the annual Global Symposium on Racing & Gaming, maintaining revenues that fund the program), and 10% on service (local and national committees, and professional societies).

A master’s degree is included among the minimum requirements, in addition to having demonstrated success in one area of the racing industry for at least 10 years.

Internships in coordination with Rillito racetrack in Tucson, Ariz., will continue, according to Michael Weiss, the track’s general manager who created the Paribet Racetrack Industry Student Experience that fills racetrack jobs with students from the Race Track Industry Program.

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